Super & Non Super Products
DEXX&R Research includes Masterfunds, Unit Trusts & Wrap accounts across multiple segments including Personal and Employer Super, Retirement Incomes and Retail Non Super Investments.
Fees and Charges
The Fee and Charge comparator available at DEXX&R allows you to run comparisons of fees and charges for each selected product and investment option. The fee and charge comparator allows each comparison to be tailored to your preferred remuneration model.
Investment Options
DEXX&R offers a detailed breakdown off each products number of investment options available, Asset Distribution and Management Fees for quick and easy comparisons.
The eDEXX Superannuation Online Service allows access via a subscriber website to the detailed product features, benefits, parameters, investment options, fees and charges, and risk benefits data.
The site also includes a fee and charge comparator for current products and a PDS Library providing online access to Product Disclosure Documents (PDS) for all current products.
DEXX&R Market Statistics
Personal FUM/A
Personal Investment Earnings/CF
Retirement Incomes FUM/A
Retirement Incomes Investment Earnings/CF
DEXX&R is a leading Australian Research Company operating in Superannuation, Funds Management and Life Insurance Industries since 1989. DEXX&R provides innovative research services for the Australian Financial Services Industry. Our objective is to provide detailed and accurate research covering all available products in each market segment. We provide comprehensive data and research to better help individuals and organisations make sound decisions.